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On 7 February 2024, the Ministry issues a commemorative stamp Giuseppe Tatarella, on the 25th anniversary of his death, with tariff indication B.

The cartoon depicts a portrait of Giuseppe Tatarella, a member of parliament from 1979 until his death in 1999, flanked, at the top left, by the Italian tricolour.

The stamp is completed by the legend "GIUSEPPE TATARELLA", the dates "1935 - 1999", the inscription "ITALIA" and the tariff indication "B".

The sketch is by the Philatelic Production Center of the Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato S.p.A..

Mintage: two hundred and fifty thousand twenty copies

Characteristics of the stamp

The stamp is printed by the Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato S.p.A., in rotogravure; colors: three; paper: white, neutral coated, self-adhesive, non-fluorescent; grammage: 90 g/sqm; support: white paper, 80 gsm mono-silicone Kraft; adhesive: water-based acrylic type, distributed in quantities of 20 g/sqm (dry); paper size: 30 x 40 mm; print size: 26 x 36 mm.; Tracing format: 37 x 46 mm.; perforation: 11 made with die-cutting.

Sheet Features

forty-five units plus the reproduction of the monochromatic MIMIT logo on the selvedge; Colors: One.




Issue No.: 
issue date: 
07 February 2024
n° of stamps: 





2024 - Giuseppe Tatarella - Deputato della Repubblica - 25° della scomparsa

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