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Weight: Av. 1g. Ideal for starting out a collection or if you are on a budget.


The Campo del Cielo refers to a group of iron meteorites or to the area where they were found situated on the border between the provinces of Chaco and Santiago del Estero, 1,000 kilometres (620 miles) northwest of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The craters' age is estimated as 4,000-5,000 years. The craters, containing iron masses, were reported in 1576, but were already well known to the aboriginal inhabitants of the area.


Size: Bag/Label measures 8.0cm x 7.5cm. The Label is colour printed and Laminated.


Photo shows a display of these, and also of a single sample. All our stock is excellent quality and you will get 1 specimen hand picked by us.

Bagged Campo Meteorite

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