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Metal Detecting Trips
10x Uncleaned Ancient Roman Bronze coins with Medieval silver fragments
10x Uncleaned Ancient Roman Bronze coins with 3 X GIFTS
100 X Uncleaned Ancient Roman Bronze coin lot
1000X Ancient Uncleaned Roman Bronze Coin lot
Uncleaned Roman Bronze coin -Higher Quality
Ancient Uncleaned Roman Bronze coin
Uncleaned Roman Bronze coin -Lower Quality
Antonianus/Follis sized Ancient Uncleaned Coins
Uncleaned Medieval Bronze Coins from Europe
Super Crusty Uncleaned Ancient Greek Bronze Coin
LARGE Restored "Desert Patina" LRB from the Near East
Uncleaned Ancient Roman Silver Denarius
Ancient Restored Desert patina Arab bronze coins Umayyad & Abbasid era
Proto Currency-Ring Money 2-6th century BC
Uncleaned Large Byzantine Bronze Coins
Uncleaned Byzantine Bronze Coins
Restored "Desert" Patina Late Roman Bronze Coin
Restored Late Roman Bronze coins
CELTIC WORLD SILVER Obol Celts in Eastern Europe. Ca. 2-1 century BC VF+
Béla II. Silver denar ÉH53